How to get money when the bank won’t give you a loan

Sometimes in business, you need to do some tricky things and be creative to make things work. After being declined for a line of credit, and exhausting our small credit card limit, I was forced to be creative to get much needed funds in the spring. I have used a couple methods: 0% APR offers […]

Business Management Technology

GPS tracking for Landscaping Company GPS tracking is a great tool. I started out buying a little magnetic battery powered GPS receiver on one truck, which would record data on an SD memory card and I would put it into the computer later. Before using time tracking software, this was great to see how long […]

Cross Training

Last year one of the things we actually did RIGHT was cross training. Really, out of necessity it happened. I didn’t plan on cross training, but being short handed in certain positions I was forced to cross train. We had planned on having a mechanic when we started the lawn mowing service business last spring. […]

direct mail conversion rates

according to SA, we got 32 total clients/leads from source: direct mail in 2015. 18 of these leads were converted to clients so thats 56% win rate on these estimates from direct mail .02% response rate (32 leads out of 15000 sent) $5000 was spent on mail which means: $156 per lead and $278 per […]

Importance of enforcing rules

A major lesson I learned this year- the importance of enforcing rules and policies you set. When our trailblazer came and visited us, he kept mentioning suggestions on how to do things better. He would say something like, “you should really have the guys lock their trailers at night” or “they shouldn’t be stopping for […]

How to collect bad debt with mechanic’s lien.

Bad debt- yuck- not fun. Inevitably, some people are not going to pay their bills. The best thing is to not allow them the opportunity to do that in your invoicing system by means of prepays or credit cards. However, bad debt happens. I have tried chasing down bad debt in many ways. Collection calls- […]

Planet Trailblazer

Trailblazer visit This past week, our trailblazer stopped by our place of business. The trailblazer is a program through the national association of landscape professionals (NALP) in which an experienced veteran in the industry is sent to visit a less experienced entrepreneur. With the Trailblazer program, we are given the choice of whether we want […]

Asking for help

Sometimes, it helps to get tips (free tips are even better!) when starting a lawn care business. For that reason, we are members of PLANET, now called NALP, or National Association of Landscape Professionals which can be found here Through our roughly $340 annual membership, we get tons of free help, tips and advice. One […]

Tips for Lawn Care Aerator’s Comparison

It is that time of the year to start aerating your lawn. Fall is better than the spring since the ground is warm but the nights are cool. This provides optimal conditions to core aerate your lawn. Before you aerate, it is best to water the lawn or to perform the work after a lot […]

Hiring “A” players

A couple weeks ago, we terminated our worst guy. We were in such a hiring frenzy for heads this spring that we were taking on anyone that would show up. This resulted in us hiring some less than spectacular players. When things finally slowed down, we noticed our worst guy was generating a charge rate of […]