What happened this year?

I was recently gchatting with my friend who asked me why I have only been compensated $4000 this season so far (end of August of 2015!). It has been so busy, we really haven’t had time to reflect on what happened. Now that things have finally slowed down, I figured out why: In summary, all […]

Hourly versus fixed prices services

For the most part, we have always provided services for a fixed price. As that is what the customer usually wants- how much is it going to cost me to get this work done? They don’t usually want to her per hour- if you give them that, then their next question is “how long will […]

Shop Equipment & Equipment Maintenance

Shop Equipment To properly service your landscaping equipment, you will need the proper tools. Below is a list of the equipment we have in our shop and what it is used for. Properly maintaining your equipment on a regular basis is essential to keep your equipment in top notch running condition, and avoid costly repairs […]

Where to find good labor help

This year, with our growth, we had to hire a lot of people. Unfortunately where we live, there is a not a big labor pool to pull from for physical labor jobs. So what did we do? We scrapped- hired crappy people, whoever we could get, whom many of were not hard workers and or […]

Working on the business, not in the business

This year has been a very tough year financially. Along with many unexpected large equipment repairs, our labor costs also rose. Along with our aggressive growth, we also made many changes which were amplified by the growth.  The biggest downfall was changing the guys from commission pay to hourly. The hours got out of hand, […]

Red Flag Customers

When doing landscaping or any business, you are going to have the easy customers and then the difficult customers. The easy customers are the good ones and are the ones you want to have. The difficult customers are not worth working or. They will give you a hard time and maybe not even pay their […]

Benefits of new equipment

Since I started the company, for the most part I have always purchased used equipment. I have searched craigslist autotrader you name it. Each year I have tried to purchase one new truck for around 5 or 10,000 dollars and this worked in the beginning. The trucks would break down occasionally, but with only one […]

One, Two, or Three Man Crews

This is a common conversation in landscaping. Should I operate with one, two, or three man crews? Well there are several ways to look at it and no 100% right answer. The biggest factor is going to be drive time. For us, for example, we have some very tight routes. The less drive time you […]

Finding Help

This spring, finding help has proven to be a much larger challenge than in the past. In the past, simply putting up ads on craigslist has worked for us. This year we have had to go a little further. We have found that the quality of leads on craigslist is pretty poor. Have to filter […]

Commercial Maintenance Equipment

Currently, for each crew, we provide three different lawn mowers: 1) Primary mower Each crew has a primary mower which is a 52″ hydro Ferris. The favorites are the 52″ walk behinds (pictured above). We also have a Ferris 52″ ride on mower but the quality of cut isn’t as good. We have also used […]