Blogging Topics – How to Choose Yours

blog topic

If you have been following our blog recently, you have noticed that Wednesdays tend to be about blogging. That’s because we believe in it, not just for SEO purposes but because they can reach out to customers. But how do you choose the right blogging topics? Well, I’m going to go over some of the things that I have learned in my almost 14 years of writing for the Internet.

blogging topics

Think of Blog Topics You Prefer

When you are reading a blog for a business, what kinds of things do you want to read about? Chances are that you want to read tips and helpful information about their business. For instance, if you have a landscaping company it’s a good idea to write about lawn care and other things related to landscaping. After all, people are coming to you for your expertise. Having a blog is a great way to show it.

Choose Blogging Topics That Catch Their Eye

There are some magic words in the blogging community. These are words such as:

  1. top
  2. huge
  3. handy
  4. tips
  5. secrets
  6. mistakes

These are eye-catching words that make people want to read more because you are giving them valuable information that they can use. There’s a reason why self-help books are such a big seller. Think of your blog as a mobile self-help book that goes with your business.

Make Them Want to Come Back

When you are choosing blogging topics, it’s a good idea to be consistent. Just like I do blog topics on Wednesdays, it’s a good idea to be consistent about your blog topics. This way, people know that you are going to have certain topics on certain days. 

Don’t Just Choose Sales Blogging Topics

Once in a while is okay to promote a sale or a new line. But the last thing that you want to do is to make every blog about your business and how great it is. You show people it’s great by giving them information that they can use. Take newspapers for example. With the exception of the Thanksgiving paper, maybe, most people don’t buy the paper for the coupons and sales. They buy it for the news. The same goes for your blog.

These are just some of the tips that you can use to help you choose blog topics. If you are helpful in your blogs and show that you know what you’re talking about, people will keep coming back and are more likely to hire you.

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