Direct Mail
Direct mail is an effective method of advertising. In the past, I have been less than satisfied with my response to direct mailings. They are THE most expensive way for us to obtain leads, but it is important to remember that it is not supposed to be a one time thing. People get frustrated that […]
Consultation Services
Coming soon!
Please Visit These Useful Links: Lawn Company Secrets– Recommended eBook Ring Central – Call management system Legalzoom- Affordable corporation set-up Lawn Site Forum– Very useful forum with information on anything you could want to know. Landscaping Calculator- Helps calculate how many yards of material you need for a job. Grass Seed Types- All about different […]
Lawn Care Ebook
If you are looking for a more in depth lawn mowing business guide for starting up, I highly recommend the E-book Lawn Company Secrets. I wish this book existed when I first started out. I know when you check out the page it is pretty flashy.. but it really has some good information in it. […]
Scheduling & Invoicing Landscaping Work
Scheduling If you want to know how to run a lawn care business, you will have to get your scheduling system down. In the landscaping industry, one free tip to start a landscaping business is that you will have two types of work: Recurring work One time work Recurring work Recurring work I define as […]
After performing the estimate, I will offer my customers a couple of different billing options. The first and most popular option is to bill at the end of the month for services performed that month. The second option is to give them equal monthly bills, so they know what to expect. For the most part, […]
Recruiting & Managing Employees
Where to find employees Some of the best advice I ever got was to “treat recruiting like marketing.” I always have marketed to death to customers, but it never occurred to me that I should be handling people the same way. So I thought, “what works for recruiting customers” would use this same logic to […]
How to Start a Lawn Care Business

If you want to learn how to start a lawn care business, you have come to the right place. This career takes a lot of time, hard work, and persistence, but if you are willing to push through these challenges it is a very rewarding experience. I started my lawn mowing business with only a couple neighbors, […]