If you are looking for a more in depth lawn mowing business guide for starting up, I highly recommend the E-book Lawn Company Secrets. I wish this book existed when I first started out.

I know when you check out the page it is pretty flashy.. but it really has some good information in it.

While my website covers many aspects, this book dives deep into the business side of starting a lawn service. It covers some valuable information that I have not gotten into yet on this website, such as choosing a business, how to get commercial accounts, equipment maintenance, grass types, types of fertilizers, legal issues, etc. Really good stuff.

I have been in the lawn care business for 10 years but this book definitely had some information that I didn’t know or hadn’t thought of.

For example, this book discusses the idea of putting rocks in bags with flyers, so you can just toss them out your window. Great idea! Sure faster than opening and closing mailboxes.

Another good thing in this guide and not on my website is a bunch of forms that you can easily customize such as bills of sale, past due letters, daily income log, estimate worksheets, maintenance agreements, etc etc etc.

One thing I read that I did not agree with was trying to collect money after every job. This is not practical or efficient. Besides this and a couple other things, I think the author generally gives pretty sound advice.

If I were to sell my business, I would probably recommend the buyer read this lawn mowing business start up guide first. It really covers a lot of information and I would want to make sure they got off to a good start.

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