Using Yard Signs for Advertising – 6 Simple Tips

yard signs for advertising

yard signs for advertising

If you have been reading our blog for a while, you know how much we believe in using yard signs for advertising. So, we have come up with some more tips when you are using yard signs for advertising that you can use to help make them work for you instead of against you and your business.

6 Tips for Using Yard Signs for Advertising

It’s Best to Keep Things Simple – The signs that get the best conversions are those that only have two text lines. The first one has a very short message. The second line is just the phone number. Since people don’t have a lot of time to read, you want to keep it short.

Forego Branding – A yard sign is made to let them know the way that they can bet hold of you. You have limited space on your yard sign. The message is going to be much more important.

1 Service = 1 Sign – Advertise a single service on the sign.  The last thing that you want is to have your customers be overwhelmed by your message.

Make Your Fonts Simple to Read – Don’t use script fonts. Just use things like Sans Serif, Verdana, and Arial. These are the ones that are very simple to read.

Don’t Fill Your Sign – The sign’s white space should be between 30 and 40%. This is going to make the sign really simple to read in the short amount of time that they are going to see it.

Choose 2 Contrasting Colors – The biggest mistake that you can make when you are creating your signs is to have a lot of colors in them. Choose two colors that will contrast well. It will make the signs really easy to see.

These are 6 tips you can use when you are using yard signs for advertising. But the best bet advice we can give you? Look at the signs that you see that other businesses are using. What is right about them? What is wrong with them? Then you want to go with them as an example and follow or ignore what they are doing, based on what your perception is.

If you are looking for a company where you can purchase your yard signs, we recommend UZ Marketing. We use them ourselves. 

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