Facebook Marketing – 3 Mistakes to Avoid

facebook marketing

As a business owner, you want to make sure that you are using all of the marketing tools availabe to you, and that includes Facebook marketing. However, there are some mistakes in marketing on Facebook that you may be making. We’re going to look at them below.

facebook marketing

Facebook Marketing Mistake 1 – Not Understanding Your Audience

Your advertisement won’t be effective if they aren’t targeting the correct people. However, it’s surprising how many businesses haven’t defined their audience. Not knowing your audience means that you are going to miss a lot of opportunities. Are you targeting homeowners, 20- to 30-year-olds, parents, retired people? You have to figure this out before you can create a good Facebook marketing strategy.

Facebook Marketing Mistake 2 – Not Using Images

An image is going to get everyone’s attention. Anywhere from 75-90% of the performance of an ad is going to be the image. There’s a big reason the majority of ad formats on Facebook have a minimum of one image. Try a slideshow or carousel format to have a better chance of someone clicking and converting. The true trick is selecting the best image for your ad. You shouldn’t simply choose one of the stock images or something that’s going to grab attention. Keep in mind that the core purpose of your ad and choose one that will align with it.

The image should be clean and have a minimum of text. Otherwise, your viewer could get distracted.

Facebook Marketing Mistake 3 – Using Bad Headlines

Headlines shouldn’t be written as afterthoughts. Headlines aren’t just summaries of what you’re offering. A headline should explain the benefits of the product or service. It should also leave people wanting to know more. Headlines should also be short. If you have 40 characters or fewer, it will get you much more engagement. It can be difficult to sum up benefits in that short time. That’s why you want to make the headline a priority and put a lot of thought into it.

These are just three mistakes that many people make when it comes to Facebook marketing. If you are interested in having someone take care of your marketing on Facebook for you, it’s one of the services we offer. Check out our own Facebook page and contact us to find out more.

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