Business Automation – How COVID-19 Taught Us the Need for It

business automation

business automation

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 2 years since we were first locked down due to COVID-19. It seems like it can’t be possible. But one thing that we have learned over the last couple of years is how important business automation is, and why it’s something that every business should implement on some level.

Use Business Automation Because You Can’t Predict the Future

Business automation isn’t a new concept. It’s been used by companies for many options, especially for when employees would go on vacation or go out on maternity leave. It’s been a failsafe for when people can’t come in. But nearly 2 years ago, we were faced with something new. The whole country shut down due to a worldwide pandemic.

Suddenly employers were finding employees couldn’t come in because either they got COVID-19, or they had a family member who had it and they had to quarantine. Having business automation can help with this type of emergency.

Automation also helps with other kinds of emergencies, such as snow or power outages. As long as you set up automation through a program like Service Autopilot to send out your emails, the automation is going to keep going until you stop it even if the power goes out.

Do you have WordPress for your blog? Did you know that you can write blogs far ahead of time and set them to post when you want them to post? This can really help!

Use Business Automation Because It Ups Productivity

Along with helping you during times of unexpected problems, the business automation can also help with the productivity of your employees. Since some of the processes are automated, this means that your employees can also help with other types of processes that you can’t automate. While the automation is taking care of emails and other processes, they can concentrate on customer service and other work that needs to be done.

Use Business Automation to Save You Time

Finally, business automation is going to help you save time. We use Service Autopilot and instead of having to send out emails individually to our customers, we set the emails to be sent out on a certain date and it goes right out. And, as I mentioned, when we write blogs, we don’t have to worry about going on WordPress at a certain time and making sure the blog is posted. Just like the commercials say – set it and forget it. That’s the beauty of automation.

These are three reasons why business automation is something that every business should implement. No one can predict the future, it will increase productivity, and it helps you save time. Are you interested in knowing more? Check out our information about Service Autopilot here or contact us to find out more. You also can contact us on Facebook.

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