How to Learn from Your Competitors’ Yard Signs

yard signs for advertising

advertising with yard signs

Advertising with yard signs is one of the best options when you have a local business. They’re affordable, they are able to go just about anywhere, and they are eye-catching. Plus, they come in a lot of different colors, shapes, sizes, and options. But before you jump in with purchasing your yard signs, you want to do something else. Jump into your vehicle with someone else driving, so you can take notes, and let’s go around your neighborhood.

Why is this important? Well, this way you can see what other business owners in your area are doing with their yard signs and take notes.  Here are some questions that you want to ask when you are looking at the yard signs of other businesses.

Advertising with Yard Signs = Are They Visible?

The first thing that you want to see about the yard signs that other business owners have put up is how visible they are. Are they placed in an area that gets a lot of traffic? Are they easy to see coming and going? Are there any types of plants or other signs that may obstruct them?

Advertising with Yard Signs – Are They Easy to Read?

The second thing that you want to ask about the yard signs that you are seeing is if they are easy to read. How good is the contrast with the color? What about their font? How large are the letters? Can you read the signs clearly? Or do you have to squint to read them?

Advertising with Yard Signs – What Color are They?

The third thing that you want to ask yourself about the yard signs is what color are they? How well do the colors work together? If the colors make it hard to read, then you want to note that down. If they work together well, then you want to note that down too.

Advertising with Yard Signs – What Type of Business is the Signs Advertising?

This is the final thing that you want to make note of when you are looking at the yard signs. Pay close attention to the ones that are like the type of business you are going to advertise.

These are four tips that you can use when you are trying to decide the type of yard signs that you are going to use for your local business. It’s best to see what other people are doing first in your area and then go by that to see what you should do. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes that other companies make. 

We use UZ Marketing for our yard signs. 

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