Facebook Success 4 – Choosing Ad Images

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Well, we have gotten to the end of week. It’s hard to believe that July is almost over, isn’t it? Today I’m going to finish off the week by giving you some tips that you can use to help you choose the right ad images for your Facebook ads.

ad images

Below are 6 of the most important tips that you should remember when you choose and use ad images, in my opinion. 

Show Ad Images of Your Items Being Used

The ad needs to look as if it belongs in somebody’s news feed. Are you targeting an audinece who’s used to getting updates from family and friends? Be sure that the ad isn’t alienating them before they know what you’re offering. You want to show people using the product instead of just displaying the item on its own.

Create Various Ad Images for Various Personas

The first thing you want to do is create some buyer personas. If you have already done that, you want to create different ad images for each of the personas. Personas are going to help you with understanding who you want to reach and the way that you can do it effectively.

Narrow Down Your Audeince with Targeting

Although this might sound strange when it comes to ad images. However, it makes sense. You have cleared defined your audience target. Now you want to create some imagry that’s perfectly suited for your target. Facebook advertising isn’t one-size-fits-all. You want customized ad images for your Facebook posts to reach your custom targets.

Put a Face on Your Ad Images

One thing that Facebook is going to tell you is that when you have ads that have faces in them are more engaging. This is also true when it comes to Instagram as well as anywhere else that images are posted. In general, we relate alot more to advertisements when there’s somemone’s face in it. An ad with a person’s face in it is going to be more personal than one without.

Don’t Use Excessive Text in Ad Images

It used to be suggested that you used <20% text overlay on your Facebook images. As of right now that is no longer the case, so you won’t be penalized when you use more than 20%. However, it’s still a good idea to be minimal when it comes to text. A good product is going to speak for itself.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t use it. Many advertisers have found that including some text in their ad images has been very effective. But keep it to a minimum. You don’t want to detract from what you are selling.

Focus on Your Message

If the image has a particular important part that will communicate your message to your audience, it’s essential to tightly crop around that image’s part. This will ensure the audience will see it.

Sometimes an image will tell the story. Sometimes it needs a text boost. The question to ask is, “Will people know what I’m advertising in this picture without any text copy?” If the answer is no, round out the image with the appropriate text.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Next week I’ll be finishing up the social media marketing month and give you a preview of what we’ll be talking about in August. I hope that you have a good weekend and that you stay safe.

If you have any questions or you are interested in any of our services such as blogging, social media marketing, email marketing or more, please contact us through the button below to get a no obligation quote based on your needs. And don’t forget to check out our Facebook page.

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