7 Benefits of GPS Tracking

bouncie GPS


benefits of gps tracking

If you have a business which uses alot of vehicles, have you thought about using GPS tracking? If not, maybe you don’t know about these benefits of GPS tracking and why some employees love it.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 1 – It Will Help Improve Job Security

With GPS tracking, operating costs of the fleet are reduced. This helps with resulting in more profits. everyone in the company will benefit from a bigger bottom line, and you can’t have job security without profits.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 2 – It Offers Traffic Violation Protections

If an employee receives a citation, things like GPS tracking can help with providing a reliable witness to discover exactly what happened. This can help with the driver getting exonerated.

Even when the ticket was deserved, the driver’s driving habits being confirmed can help with improving coaching the drivers and their practices. This also can help with improved driving habits which will help with keeping everyone safer.

When video telematics you also can discover other kinds of mitigating factors. For instance, if one of the drivers rear-ends someone else, you can look at the video and see what happened. It may be that the other driver cut the driver off or did something else that made them responsible.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 3 – It Helps with Preventing Mistaken Identity

A lot of solutions for GPS tracking have functions for driver ID. This can prevent confusion when there’s a vehicle that several employees share and it’s damaged. When you don’t know who was driving at the time, it could be very hard to find out the responsible party.

If the GPS solution that you use offers Driver ID, it will show who the driver was when the incident occurred, which can prevent wrongful accusations.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 4 – It Can Boost Customer Service

You can determine if the employees came to the customer’s site and the length of time they stayed there. this is going to be very helpful when a customer says that they weren’t there. you can demonstrate very clearly the length of time that the employee was there. you will also know if the time they that they spent there was ample time to do the job.

This will help you to stand up for your employees using facts.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 5 – It Helps Get More Work & More Pay

When an employee is paid per job, they are going to be able to do more work. This is because GPS tracking will allow an improvement in routing. This means that they are able to get to their job sites a lot quicker and more efficiently.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 6 – It Helps You Cut Out Paperwork

There’s quite a bit of paperwork that you have to do when company vehicles are used. There’s a good chance that your employees don’t like doing it.

Fuel receipts and timesheets are automated by the software, and this automatically will require a lot less paperwork for your employees, both your drivers and those in your office. This is going to let your  mobile workers spend a lot more time doing their actual jobs and a lot less time with their paperwork.

Benefits of GPS Tracking 7 – It Speeds Up Dispatching

Some of the emergency jobs are going to require a much faster response. When you are spending a lot of time calling the technicians to discover who’s closer will make it a lot stressful for everyone – the tech, the client, and the dispatcher.

This is eliminated by GPS tracking and allows the team to get to the site and get to work a lot faster. You are going to know where the vehicles are located and you’re going to have very detailed maps. This makes the step a lot more efficient than calling technicians.

These are seven benefits of GPS tracking. If you are looking for a GPS tracking solution for your business, check out our Bouncie GPS review here.

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