3 Big Reasons People Ignore Marketing Emails

marketing emails

Back on March 12th, I wrote a blog about mistakes that are made in email marketing. I wrote this mostly from your side of the business. Now, I am going to write it from your customer’s POV. Let’s look at some of the reasons why people might not be responsive to your emails.

marketing emails

Your Marketing Emails are all Sales Pitches

If all you do is send them sales pitches, chances are that your emails are going to be sent right to the trash. Now, that’s not to say that sales pitches aren’t okay, once in a while. But especially when you have a loyal customer and they have just had a job finished by you, the last thing that they want is for you to ask them for more money. 

Your Emails Give Them Nothing of Value

Along with constant sales pitches, customers hate it when you don’t offer them something of value. For example, send them tips related to your business. It shows you know what you’re talking about, it gives them something of value and it shows that you care. I know that I have brought this up when writing blogs, but the same thing applies to marketing emails.

While we’re on the subject, make sure that you are sending them tips that relate to the season. For instance, don’t go sending them emails about snow shoveling in July. 

Your Marketing Emails are Novels

Remember how I’ve said that you should keep your blogs at a manageable length? That goes double for your marketing emails. When I write a marketing email for a client, it’s generally around 200 to 300 words, although it has been longer or shorter depending on what the goal is for the month.

Marketing emails can help your business to grow, but only if they are written with your customers’ needs in mind. Make them want to open your emails and you will have a better chance of success.

We offer email marketing as one of our services. If you are interested in seeing some samples or finding out more, please feel free to contact us. Check out our YouTube channel too!

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