3 Big Marketing Email Mistakes

marketing email

Sending a marketing email is one of the best ways that you can reach new customers and get new business. However, this is only true if it’s done right. Earlier in the week, we talked about writing great email headlines. Today we are going to talk about some of the common mistakes that business owners make with their marketing emails.

marketing email

Doing Too Much Selling in Your Marketing Email

Now, don’t get us wrong. Selling is fine. But make sure you do it in moderation. Balance is key. Yes, if your business is having a special deal, by all means, tell people about it in the marketing email. But that doesn’t mean that every email you send out has to be a hard sell.

One of the best ways that you can balance it out is to offer your readers information that corresponds to the deal. For instance, if you are having a sale on your lawn service, write an email with a headline like “5 Signs Your Lawn Needs Fertilizer”. Then you can have a thing at the end of the email that advertises your business and the sale that you’re offering.

Forgetting to Optimize for Mobile

These days, most people are going to read your emails on a mobile device. Whether it’s a phone or a tablet, you want to make sure that the email looks good both on a desktop screen and on a mobile device. Otherwise, you are going to turn people off.

Recently I wrote a series of emails for a client that looked great on the computer screen, but when I viewed them on my phone the formatting was all wrong. So take time to check your messages on all platforms.

Not Segmenting Customers

If you have customers who already have your lawn care services, there’s no point to sending them emails trying to get them to sign up for them. It’s just wasting your time and theirs. So, send out emails offering services to customers who don’t have the service you are offering. Maybe they have a lawn care service, but not pest control. Or maybe they have pest control but not plant care. You get the idea. This is more likely to give you better results.

If you are looking for someone to write your marketing emails for you or you are interested in knowing more about them, contact us today. It’s just one of the services that we offer at Ready Business Systems and we’ll be glad to show you what we can do to help your business grow.

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