3 Essential Blogging Secrets To Remember

blogging secrets

In the nearly 14 years of blogging, I have learned a lot. And all of it has been on the job by making errors, finding out what my clients want, and putting together what works best from my experience. So, I am going to share with you some of the blogging secrets I’ve learned work best with blogging to reach your intended audience.

blogging secrets

Blogging Secret 1 – Keep Blogs Short

The first of the blogging secrets I’ve discovered work best is to keep the blogs short. Usually, between 400 and 600 words work best. The truth is that people aren’t going to have a lot of time to read your blog. So, you are wasting time writing long blogs because they won’t read all of it. 

Blogging Secret 2 – Use Subheadings

Remember how i said in the above paragraph that your visitors don’t have the time to read long blogs? They would rather have blogs that they can scan. Therefore, using subheadings is the best choice since this will give your visitors something they can scan. I call the subheadings and their content the ‘meat and potatoes’ of your blog. The introduction and the conclusions are your appetizers and dessert. These are nice, but not everyone has the time or appetite for those. The same goes for your blog.

People don’t want a huge paragraph in your blog that has no real beginning or end. That’s where subheadings come in.

Blogging Secrets 3 – Deliver on Your Promise

When you create a blog title, you are making a promise to your visitors about what they are going to learn in your post. For instance, the title of this blog is “3 Essential Blogging Secrets to Remember”. I made you a promise in that title that you were going to learn three secrets to blogging. It wouldn’t be right of me to make that promise and then not carry through on it. So, when you write a blog, whether it be 3 Tips, 5 Secrets, or 4 Mistakes, make sure that the number you have in your title is reflected in your post. If you change that number in the post, make sure you change it in the title.

I get so frustrated when I go to a blog and it says “* Tips for Doing*” and then it’s a huge wall of text without the promised tips outlined. So, I do my best not to make the same mistake.

I hope you found this to be useful. Please feel free to comment below and check out our other posts on our blog.



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