Should you email your invoices weekly?

A client asked me to set up an invoice for him that he could email his clients each week. I suggested not emailing them the invoices weekly; my explanation is below

Q: Can you please create a modified invoice for our auto-charge CC clients?  Since we charge before sending invoice, it doesn’t make sense to use our new invoice with Due Date & PAY NOW button fields included.   A subject description of “Thank You for Your Payment” and e-mail body of “Please find your invoice for services performed.  This invoice is has been paid in full per your credit card on file.  Be sure to let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you”….

A: This is all set. The original invoice format we made is still set as the default (can be changed to this one if you’d like).

Also, you may want to consider not sending the weekly autopay clients an invoice. Makes it more convenient for them to dispute charges, also reminds them every week how much they are spending on your services, puts it in their face.

We used to email weekly invoices now we just charge their cards, invoices on request. One new year welcome letter we said we were no longer emailing invoices for “security reasons” and that they can always access their emails in their client portals.

I got this idea for my Verizon bill, its really obnoxious that I have to login every time to see my bill. Most people probably don’t even bother but they don’t conveniently email me a summary of how much I spent with them that I can simply reply to email to dispute.

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