SendJim Marketing is Offering Something New & We’re So Excited!

sendjim marketing

sendjim marketing

Earlier this week, we told you about the benefits of offline marketing. Today we are going to tell you about something new that SendJim marketing is offering. We are very excited about this because it means a lot of saved time and saved time means more business, right? 

First, we want to reiterate how great postcard marketing is for your business. There are three reasons why postcard marketing is so helpful. 

  • It’s affordable
  • It’s simple
  • It’s effective

SendJim Marketing Has Done It Again!

Now, onto that information that we heard from SendJim. They are now offering something called EDDM, or Every Door Direct Mail. What does this mean? It means that you no longer have to go and send out the postcards yourself. With SendJim marketing, you don’t have to:

  • Go to your printer
  • bundle up the postcards
  • travel all over the place to get those postcards to the right place.

All you have to do is click EDDM on your left hand menu in your account to get things rolling. You can have 6×11 postcards sent using this feature. If you aren’t sure what kind of design that you want for your postcards, they are ready to take care of that too! 

We know that this is a busy time of year for some businesses and slower for others. If you are looking for a way that you can reach out to more customers and get more business, this new feature from SendJim marketing is the way that you can do it. This easy and affordable feature on their website is one that every business should look into. 
Don’t have an account yet? We are happy to help you get a special discount. Click here to read our review and get a special offer when you sign up through our link. 
We hope that you have a very happy Thanksgiving this coming week and that you have a good time with family and friends. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope that you will follow us on Facebook. Please let us know if you are interested in any of our services. 

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