Landscape SEO & Customer Awareness Levels

landscape SEO

Last week I ended the week with a post about why business marketing automation fails. In it, I touched upon the 5 levels of customer awareness, and I promised that I would write more about it in a later post. So today, I am going to talk about those 5 levels and apply them to landscape SEO.

Below you will find out more about the 5 levels and how to reach customers at each level.



Landscape SEO for Customer Awareness 1 Unaware

When you are offering a service as a landscape company, it solves one of the problems that customers have. The first awareness level is for those customers who don’t know that they have a problem. They just don’t know that there’s a much better way that exists and they’re live with the issue.

They don’t even know about the service that you are providing. This particular level’s the starting point for a sales funnel. At the unaware level, customers aren’t ready to hire your service because, as far as they know, there’s no problem and they aren’t going to benefit from the solution that you offer.

Goal: Get the customer from the Unaware level to the Pain Aware level.

How you can nurture the customer – Show the customer there’s a problem. This should be done quickly. Create content that grabs their attention. Content that’s short and educational will work best.

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Landscape SEO for Customer Awareness 2 Pain Aware

For the next level of awareness, this is called problem aware. This is for those customers who know that there’s a problem. However, it’s possible they might not totally understand the problem or the available solutions to them. They’re unfamiliar with businesses such as yours. The biggest frustration for customers who are problem-aware is that they know that there’s an issue, but they have no idea how they can fix it.

Goal: To get the customer from the Pain Aware level to the Solution Aware level.

How you can nurture the customer – Bring the problem to light. Give the problem a name. Then describe the problem well. You can talk about the way that the problem is making the customer feel to get the customer emotionally invested. A good way to do this is to answer questions that are commonly asked, like:

  • What’s this problem?
  • Why is it that I have the problem?
  • How can I fix the problem?

This is one reason why a blog with landscape SEO content in it is so important. 

Landscape SEO for Customer Awareness 3 Solution Aware

When a customer knows that they have an issue and they know that there’s solutions, they’re solution aware. Customers know about the results that they’re looking for and they’re aware that there are solutions such as yours out there. but they also don’t know that your company exists.

Goal: Get the customer from the Solution Aware level to the Product Aware level.

How you can nurture the customer: Toss your hat into the ring. Slip that solution that your service will provide into that mix. You aren’t talking about your particular service or brand. You are simply hyping your solution up. Case studies and testimonials will work well for these kinds of customers.

Landscape SEO for Customer Awareness 4 Product Aware

This level deals with customers who are product aware. They know about their problem they’re facing. They understand that there are solutions. They also know your businesses offers solutions. This is also known as researcher phrase, during which customers are searching for solutions as well as weighing the benefits and drawbacks. Their sole reservation is whether your solution’s the one that is the right one for them when compared with other companies.

Goal: Get the customer from the Product Aware level to the Most Aware level.

How you can nurture the customer – This is the stage when the prospect is going to choose that brand they’re feeling connected to. Keep in mind that people make their purchase decisions first based on their emotions before justifying them using logic.  Share some before & after stories. Use two emotions that your prospects are interested in experiencing and then use them in the content.

Landscape SEO for Customer Awareness 5 Most Aware

This final level’s the simplest for your business to reach out to – and they’re most aware. These are going to be the best customers since they know about their problem as well as your solution. They’re also prepared to hire your service and ready to become one of your loyal customers. These types of people often will tell others about your company’s brand solution as the one that is best.

Goal: Sell to the customer, build up customer loyalty, & turn the customer into someone who keeps coming back.

What the customer needs – The customer needs to hear the pitch. Discuss bonuses, discounts, limited time deals. Use urgency so that they have the reason to decide now.

We hope that you have a better understanding of the 5 levels of customer awareness and how you can reach them through your landscape SEO. If you have any questions or you would like to hire us for blogging or any of our other services, contact us here to find out more. Also, make sure that you check out our Facebook page.

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