Transcript of Remote Estimating Webinar

[speaker unknown]:
00:00 – 00:03
This conference will now be recorded.
  • Doug Holste
00:36 – 00:36
Hey, it was.
  • Doug Holste
00:36 – 00:37
Oh, gosh.
  • Doug Holste
00:40 – 00:40
  • Robert Cain
00:40 – 00:40
You doing?
  • Doug Holste
00:41 – 00:42
  • Robert Cain
00:43 – 00:45
Great, thanks for joining this morning.
  • Justin Woodford
00:47 – 00:50
We’ll just be a few minutes and just making sure everyone gets in here, OK?
  • Doug Holste
00:51 – 00:51
No worries.
  • Doug Holste
00:52 – 00:52
No worries.
  • Doug Holste
00:52 – 00:56
And I may have to Early, I got some crazy stuff going on today.
  • Doug Holste
00:56 – 01:00
But if I do, I can get a, I can get a copy of the correct.
  • Robert Cain
01:04 – 01:05
Yeah, absolutely.
  • Robert Cain
01:05 – 01:09
We’re gonna have a recording available, as soon as the meeting is over.
  • Doug Holste
01:09 – 01:10
Ok, great.
  • Robert Cain
01:15 – 01:16
  • Doug Holste
01:18 – 01:18
[speaker unknown]:
01:47 – 01:48
[speaker unknown]:
02:09 – 02:10
[speaker unknown]:
02:16 – 02:16
[speaker unknown]:
03:10 – 03:11
[speaker unknown]:
03:16 – 03:16
[speaker unknown]:
03:22 – 03:22
[speaker unknown]:
03:48 – 03:48
  • Doug Holste
04:31 – 04:34
I assume we’re just watching and not hearing anything right now, Correct?
  • Robert Cain
04:37 – 04:38
Yes, that’s correct.
  • Robert Cain
04:38 – 04:42
We’re just, We’re just waiting on a couple others to join before we get started here.
  • Doug Holste
04:42 – 04:45
You’re absolutely just wanted to make sure I didn’t have an audio.
  • Doug Holste
04:45 – 04:46
I wasn’t here and no problem.
  • Justin Woodford
04:51 – 04:52
Yeah, we’ll give it till 10 and 5.
  • Justin Woodford
04:52 – 04:54
And if they’re not logged in and we’ll just start recording.
  • Doug Holste
04:56 – 04:57
No worries.
  • Doug Holste
04:57 – 05:00
I know I’m firing out e-mails, so I’m good.
[speaker unknown]:
05:06 – 05:06
  • Doug Holste
05:58 – 05:59
[speaker unknown]:
07:52 – 07:54
[speaker unknown]:
07:58 – 07:59
  • Robert Cain
08:31 – 08:34
Ok, let’s go ahead and get started, those that signed up.
  • Robert Cain
08:35 – 08:47
Again, we’ll also be able to receive a recording of this meeting here, and we really appreciate you joining us this morning, and especially, in these uncertain times.
  • Robert Cain
08:47 – 09:02
I think that now, more than ever, it’s extremely important to be able to use technology to our advantage, especially, you know, for those companies that have yet to implement the price matrix strategy within their office.
  • Robert Cain
09:02 – 09:05
It’s really a great time saver.
  • Robert Cain
09:05 – 09:10
But also an excellent way to ensure that you’re keeping your salespeople safe.
  • Robert Cain
09:10 – 09:32
And you can quickly did a project without having to do a face-to-face meeting with a client Jenkins very gracious enough to put something together this morning to where we can walk through this process and answer any questions that you have about the matrix, and, you know, discuss the various estimating solution in it.
  • Robert Cain
09:34 – 09:35
During these uncertain times.
  • Robert Cain
09:35 – 09:38
And I’ll go ahead and pass it over to Justin, and let him take it away.
  • Justin Woodford
09:41 – 09:42
Well, thanks, Rob.
  • Justin Woodford
09:43 – 09:44
Could you share my screen?
  • Robert Cain
09:46 – 09:48
Yep, and then take the link there.
  • Justin Woodford
09:51 – 09:53
You guys got this map over here?
  • Justin Woodford
09:55 – 09:55
  • Justin Woodford
09:56 – 09:57
Yeah, awesome.
  • Justin Woodford
09:57 – 09:59
  • Justin Woodford
09:59 – 10:08
So the first thing I was gonna go over is how to get property square footage off the internet basically without having to visit the property.
  • Justin Woodford
10:08 – 10:10
And there’s a few different ways we can do that.
  • Justin Woodford
10:10 – 10:24
And once with the idea is once we get the square footage, we can really build a lot of pricing for a lot of services based off the square footage Especially Once we start collecting some historical data on, on clients and service history and that sort of thing.
  • Justin Woodford
10:24 – 10:27
If we have the data on those properties that we’ve already service.
  • Justin Woodford
10:27 – 10:33
So first I’m going to show I’m going to show you guys a couple a couple of freeways to do it for the first way is using Google Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
10:33 – 10:38
So for this example, I’m using our shop address here, 251 negative road.
  • Justin Woodford
10:39 – 10:42
Let us go to maps dot google dot com, You can see this.
  • Justin Woodford
10:43 – 10:49
Then we’ll click on the satellite view, and here you can see the parking lot to build a dirt lot here.
  • Justin Woodford
10:50 – 10:55
So for this example, I’m just going to pretend that this is the graph area here, if we want to say give very low estimate online.
  • Justin Woodford
10:55 – 11:01
Knowing we specifically we do our lawn mowing by square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
11:01 – 11:04
We also do our spring and fall cleanup, sparse square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
11:04 – 11:05
We also are fertilizing.
  • Justin Woodford
11:05 – 11:08
Our air rating or overseeing are all done by square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
11:08 – 11:12
So again, you might not know right off the bat, you know how much you charge, per square foot.
  • Justin Woodford
11:12 – 11:14
But if you have properties you service.
  • Justin Woodford
11:14 – 11:18
The best way to get started is to start saving the square footage of these properties in your system.
  • Justin Woodford
11:18 – 11:25
And after that you can run reports off the dispatch board or from the report center and get some averages.
  • Justin Woodford
11:25 – 11:29
You start to nail down your price per square footage, these different services.
  • Justin Woodford
11:31 – 11:37
So for this example we’re going to use lawn mowing because the simplest so we’re going to do is you find the property in Google Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
11:37 – 11:41
Again, you go to the satellite view, if you right click the submit option here for measure distance.
  • Justin Woodford
11:42 – 11:53
And you can square off these, the your property and you literally go to draw around the grassed area that’s going on here, total area.
  • Justin Woodford
11:53 – 11:55
So this area is roughly 20,000 square feet.
  • Justin Woodford
11:55 – 11:58
You could then say this in your service autopilot account.
  • Justin Woodford
11:58 – 12:00
So that’s one way to do it with Google Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
12:00 – 12:09
Another way, as we’ve been maps to, same idea, so here’s the building again, The reason why I’m showing Bing and Google Maps, is, a lot of times, they have different satellite imagery.
  • Justin Woodford
12:09 – 12:11
Can, give you different perspective.
  • Justin Woodford
12:11 – 12:13
So sometimes, you can’t quite see a house.
  • Justin Woodford
12:15 – 12:18
You’ll have a different perspective on Bing maps.
  • Justin Woodford
12:18 – 12:19
So you can maybe get a better view.
  • Justin Woodford
12:19 – 12:24
So, if you’re having trouble seeing something, a, lot of trees in the way, it’s worth trying a different perspectives.
  • Justin Woodford
12:24 – 12:25
  • Justin Woodford
12:25 – 12:31
Bing maps, as a bird’s eye view, not in this particular instance, but these are the bird’s eye view, that gives you a different perspective on the properties.
  • Justin Woodford
12:34 – 12:40
So in the same example, we’re going to measure distance, I’m just gonna do a rough on.
  • Justin Woodford
12:47 – 12:51
Double click here, and we can do is close shape.
  • Justin Woodford
12:51 – 12:54
And that’s gonna give you an area here, So it’s kinda a little bit differently.
  • Justin Woodford
12:54 – 13:01
I don’t know if I measured it a little bit differently, but, based on the last one, I’m gonna highlight a slightly different area.
  • Justin Woodford
13:01 – 13:04
But this is how you get the square footage using Bing Maps here.
  • Justin Woodford
13:06 – 13:12
Lastly, I’m going to show you, and this is not, those are both Freeways, Get Square footage Service.
  • Justin Woodford
13:12 – 13:14
Autopilot has, obviously, has their own built-in.
  • Justin Woodford
13:14 – 13:16
It’s called Smart Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
13:16 – 13:22
If you want to add that Subscription, you are here under Account, and building the Smart Maps, I believe it’s $47 a month.
  • Justin Woodford
13:23 – 13:32
So, once you enable smart maps, you’re going to have this is the clients, are familiar with it and service autopilot, under this more menu you can do property measurements.
  • Justin Woodford
13:34 – 13:35
So it’s a little more sophisticated.
  • Justin Woodford
13:36 – 13:45
The reason I like it is because it save these property measurements in your account, whereas if you do this in Google Maps, you don’t remember like, almost exactly.
  • Justin Woodford
13:45 – 13:46
I just showed you on Bing Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
13:47 – 13:51
You don’t remember which area highlighted our social status measurements.
  • Justin Woodford
13:51 – 13:58
So if you come back a year later, or the person expands the property, you can double check the measurements and see exactly what, what was measured.
  • Justin Woodford
14:00 – 14:05
So here is, again, we’ll go to satellite view, and we’ll use the same example.
  • Justin Woodford
14:07 – 14:10
So, we’re going to click measure the distance.
  • Justin Woodford
14:17 – 14:22
So, it’s going to measure this one also got close to 20,000 square feet, so I don’t maybe I measured like, …
  • Justin Woodford
14:22 – 14:24
Maps or something like that.
  • Justin Woodford
14:24 – 14:27
Again, the satellite imagery wasn’t as good, sir, can tell exactly as measuring.
  • Justin Woodford
14:28 – 14:33
If you choose, you can select a color to kind of differentiate, we can make it red.
  • Justin Woodford
14:33 – 14:34
So, you don’t select different areas.
  • Justin Woodford
14:34 – 14:42
You know, if you, if you guys do other quotes on the parking lot of a lot square feet, garden beds, that sort of thing, you can measure it.
  • Justin Woodford
14:42 – 14:42
That way.
  • Justin Woodford
14:42 – 14:44
This one will name will return again.
  • Justin Woodford
14:44 – 14:47
This is lawn so we can add that.
  • Justin Woodford
14:49 – 14:56
Also, if there is, in this example, I don’t have a say, these, these, these trucks, you don’t want them in the square footage, because there’s no law in their searches there.
  • Justin Woodford
14:56 – 14:59
And the rest of this, as long, you can measure another one.
  • Justin Woodford
15:00 – 15:04
Here, so this is something you can’t do in getting Bing or Google Maps.
  • Justin Woodford
15:04 – 15:09
I’m gonna give you 540 square feet here and we hit this little subtract.
  • Justin Woodford
15:09 – 15:11
It will actually subtract that square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
15:11 – 15:19
This comes in handy if you have a big lot with a house in the middle, you can measure the, the, the area of the entire property that you can subtract out the and other, any obstacles in Milan.
  • Justin Woodford
15:20 – 15:22
So, if you want to, you can start with a different color.
  • Justin Woodford
15:23 – 15:24
So you can kind of differentiate that.
  • Justin Woodford
15:27 – 15:31
Down here, this, once you measure this, you have to save it somewhere.
  • Justin Woodford
15:31 – 15:39
So, if you want to save it to a custom field for using estimates, this example, I guess I already set this up, but with a lot and a house square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
15:39 – 15:46
So, if we wanted to, we can separate these out, but property square feet, I’m gonna set as a total square feet here.
  • Justin Woodford
15:46 – 15:50
I didn’t save this one, this one’s going to be, we’re going to turn this one is often says, house, for this example.
  • Justin Woodford
15:52 – 15:54
So what it’s going to do is going to take that.
  • Justin Woodford
15:54 – 15:57
It’s going to subtract and it’s gonna give you the net square footage here.
  • Justin Woodford
15:58 – 16:03
So, we’re going to do is going to say the property square feet are going to be the total square feet.
  • Justin Woodford
16:03 – 16:05
Save as pulling it from here.
  • Justin Woodford
16:05 – 16:07
It’s gonna be the sum of these two.
  • Justin Woodford
16:08 – 16:20
If you wanted to save to the entire lot, you can obviously to select these individual measurements that we want the whole lot, or you just want to say, the house, which in this example, we selected, the trucks that are, part.
  • Justin Woodford
16:20 – 16:22
There are we do house and save.
  • Justin Woodford
16:22 – 16:23
Those are different.
  • Justin Woodford
16:23 – 16:29
Custom fields, Once the safe, literally save down to the bottom, The account in these custom fields.
  • Justin Woodford
16:29 – 16:34
So again, here’s those, those custom fields I showed you about, where the house square feet and the property square feet.
  • Justin Woodford
16:34 – 16:35
So we only saved this field.
  • Justin Woodford
16:35 – 16:41
So it’s gonna save it in the account and show you in a minute, how, that’s gonna kinda fall into remote estimating.
  • Justin Woodford
16:41 – 16:46
But, in summary, it’s going to pull this number is going to plug it into your quotes.
  • Justin Woodford
16:46 – 16:52
And if you have your Rate Matrix built, it will then use this data to calculate the price for your writing restaurants and save you some time.
  • Justin Woodford
16:59 – 17:04
So, moving forward Robs, you want to jump into the the Rate Matrix?
  • Robert Cain
17:06 – 17:07
Yeah, definitely.
  • Robert Cain
17:07 – 17:07
  • Justin Woodford
17:07 – 17:08
The building.
  • Justin Woodford
17:09 – 17:10
  • Robert Cain
17:14 – 17:15
Switch over here.
  • Robert Cain
17:19 – 17:19
All right.
  • Robert Cain
17:19 – 17:20
You guys can see my screen now.
  • Robert Cain
17:21 – 17:25
I think you have to stop showing your screen.
  • Robert Cain
17:25 – 17:25
Oh, hang on.
  • Robert Cain
17:27 – 17:28
Yeah, that works.
  • Justin Woodford
17:29 – 17:30
  • Robert Cain
17:30 – 17:32
You guys can see what I’m looking at?
  • Robert Cain
17:34 – 17:38
One great thing about, Oh, did you have any questions before we move on?
  • Doug Holste
17:41 – 17:43
I did not have any questions about that.
  • Robert Cain
17:44 – 17:45
No sweat.
  • Robert Cain
17:46 – 17:46
All right.
  • Robert Cain
17:46 – 17:53
So, you want to be sure to edge, to make sure that you have that discussion built into your account.
  • Robert Cain
17:55 – 18:03
Here, Especially if your customer service representatives are going to be getting that, you want to make sure that the square footage is going to live on your client account.
  • Robert Cain
18:03 – 18:08
When we, When we create these custom fields, you access them by going to Settings.
  • Robert Cain
18:09 – 18:10
Yes, search Custom Fields.
  • Robert Cain
18:14 – 18:15
  • Justin Woodford
18:15 – 18:16
Are our mentor.
  • Justin Woodford
18:16 – 18:17
I meant to cover this.
  • Robert Cain
18:18 – 18:19
That’s OK.
  • Robert Cain
18:19 – 18:21
So, we went ahead and created that.
  • Robert Cain
18:22 – 18:22
Test square.
  • Doug Holste
18:22 – 18:23
Footage, and.
  • Robert Cain
18:23 – 18:26
We want to make sure that the text type is a number.
  • Robert Cain
18:28 – 18:31
So that it, like this is actually going to pick up a value.
  • Robert Cain
18:31 – 18:46
Once you’ve created this custom field, I always recommend creating that customer intake forum for customer service, and that is just a very based example of what that could look like.
  • Robert Cain
18:46 – 18:58
But essentially, your, your customer service representative would enter in the client information, and at some point in time, be able to enter and custom field value for their lot square footage.
  • Robert Cain
18:58 – 19:10
So, once they’ve taken that measurement, they’re actually creating the estimate or appointment, or even creating a customer based off of these forms, and it’ll map that information directly into the, into the client account.
  • Robert Cain
19:10 – 19:26
So that’s one way to make sure that that tapping, you want to create the number of fields within the form, then entered the field, mapping that to field number, and we’re going to test square footage now that that will actually live on my account.
  • Robert Cain
19:28 – 19:35
So I’m gonna go back to view the headline here, and ensure that they have that field.
  • Robert Cain
19:35 – 19:38
So, that’s also going to live in the client profile right here.
  • Robert Cain
19:40 – 19:49
And when we go to custom fields, we’ve got our test square footage, and I’m just gonna go ahead and put it inside that, actually making it odd number here.
  • Robert Cain
19:50 – 19:51
Goodness sakes.
  • Robert Cain
19:54 – 19:56
So when I go back to that client.
  • Robert Cain
20:00 – 20:04
You’re going to see that, that custom field ID here, living at the very bottom of that screen.
  • Doug Holste
20:05 – 20:06
  • Robert Cain
20:07 – 20:14
Now, as I’m setting up the services, we have a variety of different services that they work with.
  • Robert Cain
20:15 – 20:27
Most of the clients that I’ve worked with, they’re really interested in setting up for services, but at the end of the day, you can get your your rate based off of at square footage.
  • Robert Cain
20:28 – 20:32
You have a couple of different options here as you’re creating these new services.
  • Robert Cain
20:32 – 20:34
And, again, you can find those settings.
  • Robert Cain
20:36 – 20:49
So when we go into estimates, we have an option to select the number that if you’re trying to build like an annual estimate, you can, you can input there, member of visit here.
  • Robert Cain
20:50 – 20:56
So let’s just say, for example, you’re paying on biweekly service, Your number of visits would be 26.
  • Robert Cain
20:56 – 21:06
A lot of clients provide some margin for their customers to not use their services throughout the course of the year, especially in the winter months.
  • Robert Cain
21:06 – 21:15
So, if you wanted to reduce that to like 22 or 20 visit, in order to provide a warm feeling price to your client, you can do that on the estimate.
  • Robert Cain
21:15 – 21:26
But especially if you’re, if you’re interested in creating long term contract, or long term packages for your client, that would really be, how you would You would use it, the field, right here.
  • Robert Cain
21:28 – 21:30
As it relates to the Rate Matrix.
  • Robert Cain
21:30 – 21:45
When you’ve input that field, and there you have it calculation option, which it’ll calculate the number of visits into that rate matrix, but for the purposes of a single visit, we’re only going to use this quantity times rate matrix here.
  • Robert Cain
21:47 – 21:51
Then we’re going to want to make sure that, based off of that test square footage value.
  • Robert Cain
21:53 – 21:56
So this is that field value that we’ve, that we’ve created in there.
  • Robert Cain
21:56 – 21:56
All right.
  • Robert Cain
21:56 – 22:01
This is how, this is, This is how the service will be able to call that value, when you’re creating these estimates.
  • Robert Cain
22:03 – 22:19
So, in order to better understand this portion of the Rate Matrix, you’re going to end Jessie’s, gonna walk through this, like how he’s been able to really calculate what his rate matrix should look like from the business standpoint.
  • Robert Cain
22:19 – 22:25
But in order to build this out, you need to think of, really these terms.
  • Robert Cain
22:25 – 22:39
So, from zero to 2000 feet, square feet, like I want my rate to be $50, then I can set the budget of hours.
  • Robert Cain
22:39 – 22:42
How long I want my cruise out there on a job like that.
  • Robert Cain
22:43 – 23:03
So, you’re gonna have your job analysis involved in creating this matrix right here, but especially for reporting purposes, You want to, You want reporting and scheduling purposes, you want to make sure that you have a poll on how long you guys are spending at these properties, based on square footage, and then also, like.
  • Robert Cain
23:03 – 23:07
What that, what that cost is going to be, that labor cost is going to be.
  • Robert Cain
23:08 – 23:08
This case, I’m.
  • Justin Woodford
23:09 – 23:09
Just going to.
  • Robert Cain
23:09 – 23:10
Input you.
  • Justin Woodford
23:12 – 23:22
Mentioned something real quick, I just wanted to highlight on this, on this calculation part, if you notice any real wacky numbers, you’ll probably have the …
  • Justin Woodford
23:22 – 23:24
Times quantity times right times visits.
  • Justin Woodford
23:24 – 23:28
If you’re quoting seventh, coming up, millions of dollars, because what it’s doing is it’s multiplying.
  • Justin Woodford
23:29 – 23:33
It’s either based off of the square footage or multiplying, based off of that, based on that field.
  • Justin Woodford
23:33 – 23:36
Sarah, I just wanted brush on that, because I’ve run into that problem a bunch of times.
  • Robert Cain
23:38 – 23:39
Not necessarily fine.
  • Robert Cain
23:40 – 23:44
All right, so a bunch of hours, I’m going to enter zero point five, that’ll be a half an hour.
  • Robert Cain
23:44 – 23:47
Because it’s going to be 20, $20.
  • Robert Cain
23:47 – 23:49
And again, these are just numbers right here.
  • Robert Cain
23:52 – 24:00
And if I wanted to add another matrix item, like that right there, and then from 2001 square feet to 4000.
  • Robert Cain
24:01 – 24:05
I want my rate to be, let’s just say, $70.
  • Robert Cain
24:05 – 24:10
And then I’m going to increase my budget hours by a quarter of an hour, so 15 minutes.
  • Robert Cain
24:11 – 24:19
And this is, you gotta do the math conversion there, but actually how that works, and then my budget, a class, is going to increase by 10 bucks.
  • Robert Cain
24:20 – 24:32
Now, once you get to a certain level, so, when you start getting into like, the, you know, 12,000, 15,000, and 20,000 square feet, you’re gonna run into the larger properties, but you don’t have to build a matrix out.
  • Robert Cain
24:32 – 24:39
Especially if you have some incremental idea what value you want those services to be rated.
  • Robert Cain
24:39 – 24:51
And so eventually, when I get to like 20,000 square feet, I’m gonna go ahead and go to for every, for every 2000 square feet, over 20,000.
  • Robert Cain
24:54 – 24:59
The cost of my service is going to be $10 more and.
  • Robert Cain
25:01 – 25:10
I’m going to allocate another zero point one hour and budgeted hours and allocate another $5 in additional class.
  • Robert Cain
25:10 – 25:13
So, again, contingency.
  • Robert Cain
25:13 – 25:28
If you have properties that are over specific guide, that you don’t want to continue to build that rate matrix, that you can just have it can contingency value, that will rate that client property based off of that specific square footage over.
  • Robert Cain
25:28 – 25:29
Like, whenever.
  • Robert Cain
25:29 – 25:41
Wherever you’re stopping at, your last Matrix item, at 20,000, for every 2000 over that, gonna be $10 more with zero point one more hour, and then your additional classes, it’s $5, but the.
  • Doug Holste
25:41 – 25:45
Way you’ve done and then I would have to build a matrix all the way up to 20,000, correct.
  • Robert Cain
25:45 – 25:50
Correct that or what you wanted to do, I mean, you can.
  • Doug Holste
25:50 – 25:51
You can.
  • Robert Cain
25:51 – 25:51
Build at a time.
  • Robert Cain
25:51 – 25:56
But this is that contingent a parameter that would ensure that it doesn’t stop at that price.
  • Robert Cain
25:58 – 26:11
You have a 10000 square foot property, like everything above that would be that same prior to that 10000 square foot property so they fill, this will ensure that it continues to add more value and more more hours to that.
  • Robert Cain
26:14 – 26:18
So, I’m going to go ahead and make sure that I have file value here.
  • Robert Cain
26:20 – 26:25
And I’m just going to do 4000 that way when I create that.
[speaker unknown]:
26:27 – 26:28
  • Robert Cain
26:30 – 26:35
When I create that service on the client account And it’s going to work, so, I’m gonna go ahead and save it.
  • Robert Cain
26:37 – 26:45
Now, go back to my client account, I’m just going to do a quick refresh to ensure that everything is saved within the system and I can pull it up here.
  • Robert Cain
26:45 – 26:54
When I go to Add my Estimate, I have my square footage stayed on the test client account, and I’m going to select the estimate document that I want to use.
  • Robert Cain
26:56 – 26:59
And this is where you can add like different templates for various estimates.
  • Robert Cain
26:59 – 27:13
So if you have like like a specific estimate document that you want to use for a specific service, you can like that within that Kevlar or building templates out based off of those service types.
  • Robert Cain
27:14 – 27:23
So, I’m going to cancel that right now, and just add my service item iteration, and we have the calculation, which immediately goes in there.
  • Robert Cain
27:24 – 27:34
Quantity is one visit, the rated 1 44 that guy’s property, and I’ve got the budgeted cost, and they’re based on my service matrix.
  • Robert Cain
27:36 – 27:48
Now I can switch that to quote, and save it, and then a quota directly to the client I want to, with that service in there.
  • Doug Holste
27:50 – 27:50
  • Robert Cain
27:52 – 27:52
  • Robert Cain
27:53 – 27:58
I’m gonna go ahead and pass it back over to Jeff and I’m going to show you how he’s using the Rate Matrix, and we’ll keep going here.
  • Robert Cain
28:01 – 28:03
Climate change, present it.
  • Robert Cain
28:07 – 28:08
All right.
  • Justin Woodford
28:14 – 28:15
Ok, thanks, Rob.
  • Robert Cain
28:16 – 28:17
  • Justin Woodford
28:17 – 28:20
I’m gonna go over so that blended to real-world.
  • Justin Woodford
28:20 – 28:25
What Rob just went over, if I’m gonna go over how to actually come up with those numbers based on your historical data.
  • Justin Woodford
28:26 – 28:29
And cover a little bit just on pricing services as well.
  • Justin Woodford
28:29 – 28:30
Now that works.
  • Justin Woodford
28:32 – 28:34
So this spreadsheet here I have a basic example.
  • Justin Woodford
28:34 – 28:36
In this example it’s for Fertilizer.
  • Justin Woodford
28:36 – 28:39
And so I had a bunch of sample properties here.
  • Justin Woodford
28:40 – 28:43
How long they took and the square footage of the properties.
  • Justin Woodford
28:43 – 28:48
So if you have, you know, a bunch of lawn mowing clients, fertilizing clients, however you want to.
  • Justin Woodford
28:49 – 29:00
Whatever job you’re trying to price out, again, you’re gonna need to know how long it took and the square footage of the property service autopilot as long as your guys are clocking in and out of jobs and that data’s correct.
  • Justin Woodford
29:00 – 29:04
Know, making sure that you’re checking those numbers at the remembering the clock out.
  • Justin Woodford
29:04 – 29:07
You can always delete bad data if it’s in line here.
  • Justin Woodford
29:07 – 29:14
If you have a guy that says he was there for 50 hours, you can just delete that from the data, Make sure all the data looks in line and it makes sense.
  • Justin Woodford
29:14 – 29:18
And you can always go and measure again, measure the properties.
  • Justin Woodford
29:18 – 29:22
If you don’t have their square footage, you can use one of the methods that we just went over to get the square footage on those properties.
  • Justin Woodford
29:23 – 29:28
Once you have that, you’re going to end up coming up with a time per square foot.
  • Justin Woodford
29:29 – 29:33
You can also add in here a material per square foot for fertilizer, this you can get off of.
  • Justin Woodford
29:33 – 29:41
You can literally go to your bags that you’re going to use, so if you’re using a certain product for your first fertilizer application, it’s going to say that the recommended coverage.
  • Justin Woodford
29:41 – 29:45
So, right there, you can get the material cost per square foot.
  • Justin Woodford
29:47 – 29:52
So what we did is, we have this, this, I built this line directly up at the rate matrix and the account.
  • Justin Woodford
29:53 – 29:57
So what you can do is, once you get the price per square foot, then you note that you can multiply that times.
  • Justin Woodford
29:57 – 30:07
However, you want to go from 0 to 5000, 0 to 3000, 0 to 10000, however you want to start that out, you’re probably going to have a minimum price to go to a property because you do have drive time included there.
  • Justin Woodford
30:08 – 30:14
So, what you can do is get, you can get the price by multiplying the time per square footage, times your charter It.
  • Justin Woodford
30:14 – 30:18
Which I have right here and like I said, I’m going to show you how I came up with that just.
  • Justin Woodford
30:18 – 30:24
It’s just a general known strategies for coming up with pricing to make sure that your prisoner jobs correctly.
  • Justin Woodford
30:25 – 30:33
So, once you know the square footage of this property is the time per square foot, you’re going to buy the time per square foot, times the square foot.
  • Justin Woodford
30:34 – 30:38
Times your charge rate, it’s gonna give you your price here, and also, obviously, adding in the cost of materials.
  • Justin Woodford
30:39 – 30:48
So, here, you can see the formula here, It’s pulling in, like I just said, it, multiplying the square footage, times the time, times the charter, and the materials.
  • Justin Woodford
30:48 – 30:51
So, we add that together, we’re gonna get the rate for 5000 square feet.
  • Justin Woodford
30:52 – 31:04
Budget hours, again, we know how long it’s gonna take, zero point thirty five hours because we have the time per square foot times 5000, which is going to give us the time that it’s supposed to take budgeting cost.
  • Justin Woodford
31:04 – 31:08
This is pulling off of where I got this number from this other tab over here, I’ll go over in a minute.
  • Justin Woodford
31:10 – 31:12
And then, you know, right here, you’re just dividing by 5000.
  • Justin Woodford
31:12 – 31:17
So we’re getting the price per square foot will just take this number divided by 5000, here’s the formula.
  • Justin Woodford
31:17 – 31:23
So you can see it as you guys are interested in, a copy of Spreadsheet Software, issues an e-mail, I can send it over to you.
  • Justin Woodford
31:23 – 31:26
But this is simply coming up with a price per each square footage.
  • Justin Woodford
31:28 – 31:35
The default rate is just pulling from here and this this lines up with the custom fields within the, within the service itself.
  • Justin Woodford
31:35 – 31:39
Like we’ve been showing you in that services setting inside the service itself.
  • Justin Woodford
31:39 – 31:41
This is just the Rate matrix and the sunscreen.
  • Justin Woodford
31:41 – 31:45
I have these default default rate default budget hours.
  • Justin Woodford
31:45 – 31:49
This is just, so if you don’t enter a square footage or you want a minimum, this is the …
  • Justin Woodford
31:49 – 31:51
Going to show by default on service.
  • Justin Woodford
31:51 – 31:58
So that’s how we build our pricing in service autopilot for, for, for my landscaping company.
  • Justin Woodford
31:59 – 32:01
You can pull the data a couple different ways.
  • Justin Woodford
32:01 – 32:11
When we do from the dispatch boards is simple, you obviously can do some reporting center, you can build reports but if you want to get into that a simplest way, I just pulled from the dispatch board.
  • Justin Woodford
32:11 – 32:15
What you can do is go to your dispatch board You can filter for a service.
  • Justin Woodford
32:18 – 32:19
Mean a weekly mowing.
  • Justin Woodford
32:19 – 32:23
We don’t have in this example, how we have the fertilizer application one, but we can do weekly mowing.
  • Justin Woodford
32:24 – 32:25
Search to dispatch board.
  • Justin Woodford
32:25 – 32:27
You can change the dates to an entire season.
  • Justin Woodford
32:27 – 32:31
That’s going to export all of your clients all demos.
  • Justin Woodford
32:31 – 32:34
And right here you can add these special columns.
  • Justin Woodford
32:34 – 32:39
You don’t need to but I just did it for example inside this columns we selected off these custom fields that we created that Robin over.
  • Justin Woodford
32:40 – 32:48
So that’s going to do is come up with the, it’s going to come up with all your customers that have that you’re going to have the time under the closeout debut.
  • Justin Woodford
32:48 – 32:50
This is all going to export anyway.
  • Justin Woodford
32:50 – 32:55
But if we had the times record here, start and stop on this job, it would it would export that as well.
  • Justin Woodford
32:55 – 32:59
So, you know, how long you spent in this job, you know, square footage of the job.
  • Justin Woodford
32:59 – 33:04
So simply by searching, again, putting us filter for your service and search an entire year.
  • Justin Woodford
33:04 – 33:14
If you have the the time data clocked into these jobs as your employees that these jobs throughout the year and you also have the square footage of the property, you’re going to have the data you need to build out these rate matrix.
  • Justin Woodford
33:15 – 33:19
So, once you have that, you don’t have to worry about let’s close out you’re not aware of any these checkboxes.
  • Justin Woodford
33:19 – 33:23
You can visually see it on the screen, while you’re going to do more and export.
  • Justin Woodford
33:23 – 33:33
Once you export that, whether these fields are available or not with some, this column drop-down is going to be in the Excel sheet that exports, and once you get this Excel spreadsheet, you’re gonna have all the data.
  • Justin Woodford
33:33 – 33:33
You can clean it up.
  • Justin Woodford
33:34 – 33:36
And you, once you tidy down, it’s gonna look like this.
  • Justin Woodford
33:36 – 33:37
This is all the data you need.
  • Justin Woodford
33:37 – 33:40
Not spreadsheets going to export everything about that client.
  • Justin Woodford
33:40 – 33:44
You know, their, their client portal user, login, or password, all this stuff.
  • Justin Woodford
33:44 – 33:46
You don’t need to clean up that spreadsheet.
  • Justin Woodford
33:47 – 33:51
Delete the data that’s not relevant, and you’re going to end up with a nice tidy sheet like this.
  • Justin Woodford
33:52 – 33:53
You can also break it up.
  • Justin Woodford
33:53 – 33:54
Like Rob is going, you can add an extra rose.
  • Justin Woodford
33:55 – 33:57
Mess around with this, Get it more exact.
  • Justin Woodford
33:57 – 34:17
You know, because some of your properties that are maybe this property that’s 23,000 square feet is going to take longer than this profit of five, or sorry, less time per square foot and a profit at 5000, excuse me, customized, great nature, make written matrices and to make them more and more accurate and the more data you have to work with, the more accurate your price infinity.
  • Justin Woodford
34:19 – 34:22
So just to jump in, again, I’m not going to cover this too much depth.
  • Justin Woodford
34:22 – 34:25
I know we’re going over a lot of stuff, but I just want to give you an idea.
  • Justin Woodford
34:25 – 34:29
I just want to make sure, You know, a lot of the businesses we talked to, they have no idea how to price their services.
  • Justin Woodford
34:29 – 34:33
You don’t just want a price to the going rate nor a price according to your expenses.
  • Justin Woodford
34:33 – 34:34
You know, you’re always going to make money.
  • Justin Woodford
34:34 – 34:37
If you’re not the guy working in the field, you’re hiring someone else.
  • Justin Woodford
34:37 – 34:39
Have unit price, your services, right?
  • Justin Woodford
34:39 – 34:41
You’re not going to make money, you can even lose money, so.
  • Justin Woodford
34:43 – 35:03
So the basic idea here is, we have, we have overhead recovery per hour and we have the labor rate recovery per hour, so you can get, you can go to your account and you can export from QuickBooks, you’re gonna get your total overhead for the year, which is going to include anything you’re not bidding on estimates, I think they’re bidding on estimates isn’t going to be included in here.
  • Justin Woodford
35:03 – 35:11
This is gonna be just you know, your rent, your monthly payments on your equipment, your gasoline seems like that.
  • Justin Woodford
35:11 – 35:17
All the overhead, any office people you have is going to be in this number here, that’s the total Graham’s took, the excuse me the grand total.
  • Justin Woodford
35:17 – 35:22
You need to cover on an annual basis to make sure that you cover all your overhead.
  • Justin Woodford
35:23 – 35:24
You’re also going to need to know.
  • Justin Woodford
35:24 – 35:26
The total hours worked in the field.
  • Justin Woodford
35:26 – 35:34
So if you know you have X number of guys that work X number of weeks, X hours per week, you’re going to know the total hours that they’re going to work in the field once.
  • Justin Woodford
35:34 – 35:38
You’ve figured out, even at the bottom, you’re gonna know that your overhead per hour, and this is gonna change.
  • Justin Woodford
35:38 – 35:46
The more guys you have in the field, if your overhead is relatively fixed, compared to the hourly wage, You pay your guys.
  • Justin Woodford
35:46 – 35:47
So, you’re gonna need to recover.
  • Justin Woodford
35:47 – 35:52
If you work this many hours in a year, you’re going to need to $30 an hour, $3, $700.
  • Justin Woodford
35:52 – 35:56
You need to be charging to recover your overhead.
  • Justin Woodford
35:56 – 35:59
Plus, of course, or whatever your direct costs are in that job.
  • Justin Woodford
35:59 – 36:02
Your fertilizer the labor for your guys’ journalists.
  • Justin Woodford
36:04 – 36:14
So that’s one half of the equation, the other half the equation, figuring out the cost per hour of your employees, you’re going to call it the average pay, your workers, the view of 10 guys.
  • Justin Woodford
36:14 – 36:18
When you guys are at the average rate, you pay them, and say that’s 15.
  • Justin Woodford
36:19 – 36:33
Generally speaking, you can get your exact numbers, and it’s me probably around like 18 to 25% year over year, excuse me, your, your payroll burden on those employees, which is gonna be your workers’ comp, our social security taxes, all, the employer portion of your payroll taxes.
  • Justin Woodford
36:33 – 36:36
So, someone who caused the, You’re paying $15 an hour.
  • Justin Woodford
36:36 – 36:40
You may or may not be aware, when you run through payroll, or prior coffee mark, $18 an hour.
  • Justin Woodford
36:41 – 36:49
So to come up with your charge rate, obviously, new dollars an hour, and you get to $18 an hour, you’re gonna add them together, 30 plus 18, 48.
  • Justin Woodford
36:50 – 36:51
Don’t really need to make a profit.
  • Justin Woodford
36:52 – 36:56
Anywhere if 10 to 20%, depending on on your overhead besides your company.
  • Justin Woodford
36:56 – 36:59
You’re gonna die back, excuse me, add that back.
  • Justin Woodford
37:00 – 37:07
And the last thing is, you can estimate this, but this is what you need to highlighted here, the charge that you need for each hour, Your employees are paid.
  • Justin Woodford
37:07 – 37:09
So your employees may be outworking 10 hours.
  • Justin Woodford
37:09 – 37:13
How many hours are they actually working as?
  • Justin Woodford
37:13 – 37:13
The question?
  • Justin Woodford
37:13 – 37:16
Because they’re gonna be setting up in the morning, they can be drawn between jobs.
  • Justin Woodford
37:16 – 37:22
So, if you pay them $18 now, are you beginning $53 an hour for every hour?
  • Justin Woodford
37:22 – 37:23
You’re paying on this $18 an hour?
  • Justin Woodford
37:24 – 37:28
So what you need to do is charge this rate by your billable time.
  • Justin Woodford
37:28 – 37:34
So if you run, if, you know, when your average day, they’re actually working on the job site for six hours.
  • Justin Woodford
37:34 – 37:42
You can also ballpark this, you know, how much time and setting up an idea, how much time they spent drive between jobs or you can actually track it, but you need that data.
  • Justin Woodford
37:42 – 37:49
You can call them a ballpark so if you know that seven hours a day, they’re going to be working on the site and three hours and setting up for a day job between jobs.
  • Justin Woodford
37:50 – 37:56
You’d up charge this to make up for that because you know, if you did your jobs, the dollars an hour you end up at 63 at the end of the day.
  • Justin Woodford
37:57 – 38:00
So this is how we came up with this code right here and how this all works with the right metric.
  • Justin Woodford
38:00 – 38:02
So I saw the brush on that.
  • Justin Woodford
38:02 – 38:07
I know it’s a lot to cover at once, but again, if you guys want a copy of the spreadsheet, I’d be happy to send it over to you.
  • Doug Holste
38:07 – 38:08
  • Justin Woodford
38:10 – 38:16
So one last thing I wanted to cover, before we go over any questions.
  • Justin Woodford
38:18 – 38:18
Is this.
  • Justin Woodford
38:19 – 38:25
These, these documents, so I actually created this in the marketplace.
  • Justin Woodford
38:25 – 38:31
Anyone who wants to download it, we have these all pretty set up for, you can download them, into your account.
  • Justin Woodford
38:31 – 38:35
You don’t have to create them yourself, but we have some tactics here.
  • Justin Woodford
38:35 – 38:39
So we pretty much do all of our estimates remotely.
  • Justin Woodford
38:39 – 38:53
We really try to push that way because it’s just the most efficient way to run a company and in reality, when you think about value provided, if you have, have a sales guy, August, drive around all day and look at properties like she’s not actually doing anything.
  • Justin Woodford
38:53 – 39:00
You just give them the guy’s a price, and they give them the lead, the price, and I can choose whether or not to do it.
  • Justin Woodford
39:00 – 39:07
But ideally, if you don’t have the overhead of someone just driving around, your customers often have to pay for it, you can have a little bit more competitive pricing.
  • Justin Woodford
39:07 – 39:09
Just run a more efficient business.
  • Justin Woodford
39:09 – 39:14
And especially obviously with everything that’s going on, right now, this is especially helpful to be able to perform these estimates remotely.
  • Justin Woodford
39:14 – 39:20
So only the only caution with this approach is, things are gonna change.
  • Justin Woodford
39:20 – 39:28
So, when you’re running your data, and you have this square footage pricing, the only way you really know your charge in the product, the correct price, is based on that specific property.
  • Justin Woodford
39:28 – 39:29
How long it takes.
  • Justin Woodford
39:29 – 39:34
You know, an average can take a certain amount of time per square footage, but certain properties.
  • Justin Woodford
39:34 – 39:35
Maybe someone leaves garbage all over the line.
  • Justin Woodford
39:36 – 39:41
Maybe those obstacles, maybe there’s a sense, then backyard, all these different variables.
  • Justin Woodford
39:41 – 39:48
If you’re if you’re bidding only on the average, you’re gonna have jobs actually here on jobs take longer to take more time, you’re asking of job to take less time.
  • Justin Woodford
39:48 – 39:50
So so obviously, the jobs require less time.
  • Justin Woodford
39:51 – 39:54
And you’ve been in remotely, you when that, if you wouldn’t that jobs.
  • Justin Woodford
39:54 – 40:01
And then great, you make out ahead, but the jobs that you bid by square footage that take longer than the average, that’s the ones you can get burned on.
  • Justin Woodford
40:01 – 40:07
So that’s what these that’s what these strategies are used to develop to make sure that we don’t get burned on those jobs that take longer.
  • Justin Woodford
40:09 – 40:13
So the first thing is we try to encourage people over the phone to do there.
  • Justin Woodford
40:15 – 40:18
To do there, to let us send the estimate remotely.
  • Justin Woodford
40:19 – 40:23
Some people want me in person for existing clients.
  • Justin Woodford
40:23 – 40:24
That’s next section.
  • Justin Woodford
40:24 – 40:25
We’re always happy to meet with people.
  • Justin Woodford
40:25 – 40:27
They’re already paying off the already paying for our time.
  • Justin Woodford
40:28 – 40:35
If they want a new that installed were happy, and they wanted me in person, we’re more than happy to go over and give them our time because they’re paying for it.
  • Justin Woodford
40:35 – 40:37
The problem is newly that come in.
  • Justin Woodford
40:37 – 40:39
They just want a price on a pro shop that has cost me money.
  • Justin Woodford
40:39 – 40:41
They’re not giving you anything back.
  • Justin Woodford
40:41 – 40:42
So that’s what these are for.
  • Justin Woodford
40:42 – 40:45
So we try to, and obviously, this is all discretionary.
  • Justin Woodford
40:45 – 40:51
But, general, we try to send people resistance remotely if they really want to meet for appointments.
  • Justin Woodford
40:52 – 40:56
This is the the document will send out or verbally tell about the phone.
  • Justin Woodford
40:56 – 41:05
And again, this is in that Marketplace Downloader together interest and so we just say we can send the quote hourly, which a lot of people will bite for that.
  • Justin Woodford
41:06 – 41:07
Some people may not.
  • Justin Woodford
41:08 – 41:14
So we’re trying to steer them either square footage pricing, or we’ll do an hourly because it’s both these methods we can’t lose.
  • Justin Woodford
41:14 – 41:24
And lastly, if they want to meet in person, we do provide the option, but we saw on the $50 deposit, so you’re gonna remember, there’s going to push people away at.
  • Justin Woodford
41:24 – 41:28
People don’t want to pay for deposit unless they’re already sold them job.
  • Justin Woodford
41:28 – 41:35
So, you know, if you take that, if someone’s actually not pay for, for the quote, then you are either already getting paid for it to be.
  • Justin Woodford
41:35 – 41:37
You’re going to have the book of job, and they’re already a client.
  • Justin Woodford
41:37 – 41:40
So no, this is going to push clients away.
  • Justin Woodford
41:40 – 41:41
Or if they’re out of your area.
  • Justin Woodford
41:41 – 41:50
If you’re kind of a bad feeling about them and they also received, they don’t want your square footage price, they want you to meet to talk to you about the project, then this is a good approach, is effective.
  • Justin Woodford
41:50 – 41:53
They’ll make sure that you’re not gonna lose, and you’re not going to waste your time.
  • Justin Woodford
41:56 – 41:58
Says, there’s no real restaurant, it’s filtering out.
  • Justin Woodford
41:58 – 42:00
The people who are Just Price shopping and people are serious.
  • Justin Woodford
42:00 – 42:07
If it’s a big projects, you know, they’re shopping around for $20,000 job, you know, I don’t see why it would be an issue for them to put down a ….
  • Justin Woodford
42:07 – 42:17
Nothing’s going to filter out the people that are serious on the people who are just kind of shopping around wasting your time, It’s obviously, you know, they’re gonna back out, but you’re obviously not a good lead.
  • Justin Woodford
42:17 – 42:21
Anyhow, so this is one approach we use, we trusted people.
  • Justin Woodford
42:21 – 42:22
So, we know we’re not wasting your time.
  • Justin Woodford
42:22 – 42:23
We’re doing estimates remotely.
  • Justin Woodford
42:23 – 42:25
And we’re getting paid for our time.
  • Justin Woodford
42:25 – 42:26
We do the sales.
  • Justin Woodford
42:29 – 42:32
And for our actual services themselves.
  • Justin Woodford
42:32 – 42:38
So we have disclaimers in here, It doesn’t know there’s a notice of a typo here.
  • Justin Woodford
42:39 – 42:47
Anyway, so for our fall cleanup, for example, we send them based on the average again, we have prices that are based on how long this job takes on average.
  • Justin Woodford
42:47 – 42:52
So, we have a disclaimer here that basically says that this job is hourly, so we’re gonna send them a price.
  • Justin Woodford
42:52 – 42:59
But we’ve put in here that it’s an estimate only reserve the right to charge the work complete an hourly basis.
  • Justin Woodford
43:00 – 43:04
So this is basically saying that, you know, this is an estimate only, we’re making it clear.
  • Justin Woodford
43:04 – 43:06
They’re going to sign off on this and the estimate.
  • Justin Woodford
43:07 – 43:08
We’re gonna have a signed copy.
  • Justin Woodford
43:08 – 43:12
And we obviously, we try to let people know if we’re going to go way over.
  • Justin Woodford
43:12 – 43:21
We let them now we’re going over the Aster whenever possible, but we do end up charging fees jobs hourly if they, if they go over the other the, the set amount of time.
  • Justin Woodford
43:21 – 43:26
So before here and these are these are real life things you know, because a lot of people call it, so deferred maintenance.
  • Justin Woodford
43:26 – 43:31
So, obviously, if you cause for fall cleanup, and you haven’t done it for three years, it’s going to take longer than average.
  • Justin Woodford
43:31 – 43:35
So, you put that disclaimer right in here, deferred maintenance.
  • Justin Woodford
43:35 – 43:38
It’s going to probably costs more, as you have really high grass.
  • Justin Woodford
43:38 – 43:45
And these are all pretty obvious things, but these are filtering out the people that are gonna try to take advantage of you, You’re gonna have their credit card on file, Ideally, and they’re gonna, You’re never sign quote.
  • Justin Woodford
43:45 – 43:49
So, if they call you, they are also The grass is greater than six inches.
  • Justin Woodford
43:49 – 43:51
It’s probably going to take extra long as well.
  • Justin Woodford
43:52 – 43:58
The lastest panel we have, it’s pretty much covers every single other estimate is having a property service for the first time.
  • Justin Woodford
43:58 – 44:01
So, this is just basically saying, we have a certain scope of work.
  • Justin Woodford
44:01 – 44:04
We just certain quality, you know, Joe Schmo landscape, or did your clean up last year.
  • Justin Woodford
44:04 – 44:08
He may not have done it as well as we head or as thorough as we will.
  • Justin Woodford
44:08 – 44:10
So that’s why the price may be different.
  • Justin Woodford
44:11 – 44:17
So, basically, is saying that it will likely increase your quote beyond this estimate.
  • Justin Woodford
44:17 – 44:28
So, in reality, in reality, when we send these out, it works for, I’d say 85%, 80, 85% of our quotes are accurate, we don’t change the price, the other ones, we do have a disclaimer and Melissa people now.
  • Justin Woodford
44:29 – 44:31
And lastly, we have a disclaimer.
  • Justin Woodford
44:31 – 44:33
Let us know if you want a time cap.
  • Justin Woodford
44:33 – 44:41
So, you know, if they, if it’s estimated, If they’re like, listen, I know you’re gonna charge X amount per hour, I want to make sure that I’m not going to share with us much.
  • Justin Woodford
44:41 – 44:44
Send us let us know when we put that on the job notes.
  • Justin Woodford
44:46 – 44:50
The last document I have here is, we have this thing called our promo.
  • Justin Woodford
44:50 – 44:55
So, this little strategy works really well.
  • Justin Woodford
44:55 – 44:59
So we, we send this out to pretty much all of our new customers.
  • Justin Woodford
44:59 – 45:02
You know on postcards, we have special rate.
  • Justin Woodford
45:02 – 45:10
So we send out our quotes, excuse me, at two thirds, roughly two thirds of our normal mowing professional sent to our customers are guaranteed.
  • Justin Woodford
45:10 – 45:14
We’re going to lose on those first four cuts.
  • Justin Woodford
45:14 – 45:20
But when we sent out as quote, I would rather lose on the first floor cut than lose for the entire season or longer.
  • Justin Woodford
45:20 – 45:26
So we’ll do the status quo, and sometimes it works Honestly, if it’s Overbid both square footage price, and our job takes a little bit less longer.
  • Justin Woodford
45:26 – 45:28
We can actually keep that price.
  • Justin Woodford
45:28 – 45:29
What we do is, we run this promo.
  • Justin Woodford
45:29 – 45:41
We gather data for, for cuts and see how long it’s going to take, and we then know exactly how long that property is going to take, And then we send our second quote, which will then tell them what the price of the new moving forward.
  • Justin Woodford
45:42 – 45:44
So let’s ensure that we’re not going to burn the entire season.
  • Justin Woodford
45:44 – 45:49
We’re not just going to send them a quote that’s too low based on square footage and lose out.
  • Justin Woodford
45:49 – 45:54
We’re gonna send them this quote, knowing that we’re going to have to go back and look at after four visits, and then we’re gonna adjust accordingly.
  • Justin Woodford
45:55 – 45:58
And then what we do is we only have them sign this proposal.
  • Justin Woodford
45:58 – 46:08
We then have an e-mail, which is, I believe, in this marketplace document, that we’ll send out that actually just says, you know, they agree that they’re going to be sent this e-mail.
  • Justin Woodford
46:09 – 46:15
To, say, after the fourth visit is completed, you’ll be sent an e-mail at the cost of all future visits.
  • Justin Woodford
46:15 – 46:21
So we just send them an e-mail letting them now, and if they don’t respond, we just, we start doing it at that new rates.
  • Justin Woodford
46:21 – 46:26
They were alerted the opportunity, but we also will make it easy for them to change it if they get back to us great.
  • Justin Woodford
46:26 – 46:31
If they don’t, we’re going to keep running it, and they’re going to, you know, see the value of our service, and we’re happy to pay that.
  • Justin Woodford
46:34 – 46:37
We do have a disclaimer here, in case we have to, if someone tries to call us.
  • Justin Woodford
46:37 – 46:42
And again, the grass, there were six inches, and we’re there for, you know, all day.
  • Justin Woodford
46:42 – 46:45
We do have a disclaimer here that will cover us, if need be.
  • Justin Woodford
46:45 – 46:47
Obviously, our guys would call us if they show up.
  • Justin Woodford
46:47 – 46:50
And, you know, in the grasses two feet tall.
  • Justin Woodford
46:52 – 46:53
That’s all I’ve got for this stuff.
  • Justin Woodford
46:55 – 46:58
If you have any questions around you want icing and before we jump into that.
  • Doug Holste
47:01 – 47:02
I’m good.
  • Justin Woodford
47:04 – 47:05
  • Robert Cain
47:05 – 47:06
Great, great content.
  • Justin Woodford
47:08 – 47:08
  • Justin Woodford
47:10 – 47:10
  • Justin Woodford
47:11 – 47:18
Um, yeah, and again, in the marketplace we have this and just to add to that, we also have automation is built around this.
  • Justin Woodford
47:18 – 47:29
So, we actually have automation setup that, once a promo is scheduled, it’s gonna wait for weeks, and then it’s going to create a task for the Office, Office admin to check the hours and send the e-mail.
  • Justin Woodford
47:30 – 47:34
So, a lot of this stuff we have built into our automation as well, but the strategy has worked well.
  • Justin Woodford
47:35 – 47:41
And they do allow you to obviously remotely bid and comes really handy in this situation.
  • Justin Woodford
47:47 – 47:47
So that’s all I got.
  • Justin Woodford
47:47 – 47:50
I guess we’ll close down if there’s no questions.
  • Robert Cain
47:52 – 47:52
All right, yeah.
  • Robert Cain
47:52 – 47:54
I mean, the recording will be available here shortly.
  • Robert Cain
47:54 – 48:04
We’ll go ahead and e-mail that out to all attendees that you guys connected content, and you also have the downloadable content available in the marketplace.
  • Robert Cain
48:05 – 48:07
We really appreciate you guys joining us this morning.
  • Doug Holste
48:08 – 48:09
Thanks, guys.
  • Doug Holste
48:09 – 48:09
  • Justin Woodford
48:12 – 48:13
Hope you got some value from it.
  • Doug Holste
48:13 – 48:14
Ideas are shared.
  • Doug Holste
48:14 – 48:15
Thank you very much.
  • Justin Woodford
48:17 – 48:17
Take care.

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