Lawn Mowing Spreadsheet

Q: I really love this website. I’m 19 yrs old and wanting to start up my own landscaping and lawncare business. You’ve answered all my questions but I’m just wondering what your spreadsheets look like for estimates, scheduling, etc.? If you would post something and let me know I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much.

A: Hey hows it going Trent? I am glad you like the site.

I do have one page, lawn mowing spreadsheet, that has a downloadable spreadsheet and gives more details on how I run the management end of the business. It is a few years dated now, I have much more advanced systems that I plan to update there is just so much information I need to put on this site and only so much time. Check back next spring and I will have added a lot more content over the window. Hope that link helps though.

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